Short Courses
ACEGID hosts periodic genomics workshops and summer boot camps. These are intensive, residential, four weeks-long genomics training courses aimed at foundation and advanced participants.
The Foundation Training Workshop in Genomics is a full-immersion program designed for top-performing African graduates, postdoctoral trainees, faculty members and laboratory technicians. The one-month training covers a curriculum of best laboratory practices, reinforced by intensive coursework and hands-on practical applications in Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Genomics. Training will be in a didactic format that gives trainees a rare opportunity for independent and real-time hands-on practical experience on the cutting-edge genomics tools. In addition, the boot camp will give trainees bonding time for interaction and collaboration.
The Advanced Genomics Training is designed for trainees to have hands-on experience in sequencing techniques especially Sanger sequencing and Next Generation Sequencing. The training is particularly suitable for Graduates students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members with direct access to the sequencing equipment. In addition to target and whole genome sequence, trainees will also be exposed to Library prep, qPCR as well as tips on science communication, writing grants and manuscripts.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we did not hold the Genomics Bootcamp from 2020 to 2022.